

Years and years of brain stew

I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school–unable then to even form a coherent story. 

I remember sitting at my grandparent’s dining table, drawing symbols on paper and asking my mom if I had managed to intuit a real English letter amongst the scratchings.

I tried writing books after I learned how to write at all, pivoted to screenplays, stage plays, then fell back into books. 

I’ve written almost every type of creative document under the sun… to varying degrees of success. 

Short Stories

I always find it easier to write short stories in first-person for some reason. Most of them are based on dreams I have–namely My Front Door, a Finchhole, which was published by Short Édition and my local library.


Screenplays were something I focused a large chunk of my so-far twenty short years of life on. 

Some were written with the intention of creating films, and others were practice–or a less mentally taxing and less wordy alternative to writing a story out as a book. 

The story to the right was one I did actually turn into a film. I shot it in my basement, build all the props, and volun-told my brother as the lead. 

Published Books

And of course, the most important part–my published books. I’ve written an 800-page fantasy novel, a sci-fi novella, a stage play, and now a horror/thriller.