The Evermore Compendium

A Fantasy Worldbuilding Project

The Evermore Compendium is a fantasy worldbuilding passion project that started in 2019 with my Plight of Steel novel. 

That evolved, three years later, into a grander idea, after I realized a sequel couldn’t be built on shaky foundations. Time would need to be taken to develop a world into something that felt real, in which not only one story–but many–could reasonably take place.

It started with languages–a basis I could build off of. Every race would speak a different tongue, from which their names would be derived, as well as their words for places and things in their environment.

That opened up a whole world for me, which you can get a brief glimpse into here…


In the Evermore Compendium, there are three languages, all of which are derived from Tzaura, which is a tongue created by the Birthlight at the beginning of time–and used to make the world. 


The Mother Tongue of all things. It was used by the Birthlight at the beginning of time to create Vazra and the life upon it.

Every language is based on it in some way, and the Urrvara, who claim control of Ezvatu, speak it as their main tongue. Most names of places and things are made in Tzaura. 

Urrash Anmatha

Created by the Varratu Vetne to break his bond to the Triad. He named himself Vorrna, and was banished from Aikakre. 

Now the Thabashna, who he uses as his mortal army, have adopted this brutal tongue. It is hard to translate between Common Tongue and Urrash Anmatha, as one word can mean different things, and each syllabic can represent multiple letters. 


Spoken by the Zakma Tagu, this language is the most different from Tzaura. It’s syllabics are entirely unique, and hard to decipher for the untrained eye, as they tend to blend. 

This flowing script is easier for the half-blind Zakma Tagu to read, though for what reason is unclear. It is known as the most beautiful of the three tongues, though in speech, it can sound abrasive to foreign ears. 


In the beginning, there was nothingness–a darkness that stretched on to infinity. A light came to being in this darkness, from whence no living thing can tell. This light spoke words, which it used to create Vazra: the realm of life and mortality; once done, it vanished, never to be seen again.

Two gifts it gave unto the land: a man, and a woman, who were named Ainum and Varraxa in the light’s primordial tongue. They were the Tzaurai: Gods as mother and father–Tuvarraez and Pavarraez. Ainum was a strong brute, a man of stone and iron and blood. Varraxa was a fair creature of strength and sweetness–the hardened will of a mother. Their world in which they were born was barren, save for the animals on its plains and in its great mountains–in the skies and the oceans.

From their love came four children, who they named Aiaz, Azni, Nevetaz, and Tuni. The first three ventured into Vazra and reaped its magical lifeblood, returning to their parents with unique gifts of power. Aiaz became the Reverie, with the ability to peer forward into time. He grew solemn and brooding, but would never speak of what he glimpsed in his mind’s eye. Azni returned as the Infernum, with the power to command nature’s flame. He could attach his will to an open fire, and make it move howsoever he wished. Nevetaz returned as Mortum, with the dominion over death itself. Animals which had died, he could resurrect as many times as he saw fit. All boys were achievements in the eye of Ainum, save the last, who had not gone with his brothers. Tuni retained no power, and resisted the attainment of one. Ainum, with infinite displeasure, so instructed him to venture forth and do as his brothers had done. He did, and was gone ten days and nights.

At his return, Ainum became wroth at the sight of his youngest son–unchanged, barring his haggardness and weary mind. So the Father of the World took his son and tore him apart with his hands–separating him into pieces. There would be a purpose for him–in the creation of life. With each part, he formed the intelligent mortal races: Humans, Urrvara, and Zakma Tagu. He decreed that the gifts his sons procured from the flesh and life of Vazra would be passed unto these mortal races, but only in sparsity–as divine gifts to a chosen few. He and his remaining sons would be entertained by the result.

To oversee these gifted few, Ainum made the Varratu, or Beholden in the Common Tongue of Men. They were specters of power, allowed to pass between Aikakre–the palace of the sky–and Vazra. To do so, they would form for themselves each an Urrai–a body which the mortal eye could observe–and walk among the Children of Tuni.

Among the Varratu, there was Zayja, Rana, Vetne, Ainau, Urrumai, and Audi. Zayja, who took the form of an armored shieldmaiden with hair long and flaxen as a wheatfield, was the favorite of Ainum’s Triad sons–never diabolical or insubordinate, and bound to their will. Rana, who appeared to the world as a woman one with the woods and rivers–clad in greens and poplar leaves–was the fairest among the Varratu. Vetne, the most grim, was a man gaunt and pallid, dressed in shadow. His cruelty displeased even Ainum. Ainau was tall and golden–a pillar of strength and honor. Urrumai, the Oaf, was round and bearded, and toyed with those who resisted his temperament. Lastly, there was Audi, who was dressed in silver. She took most to the Urrvara, who claim pure blood and higher intelligence. All six were tied to the Triad by name, fettered in subservience to the gifted sons and their father.

It was this way until Varraxa heard of her husband’s action. She looked upon the realm of Vazra, in which dwelt the beings made using the extremities of her youngest son, and hated them–wishing death upon them all. Ainum attempted to resist her, and quarreled heatedly with the woman who had once loved him, failing to convince her of the sanity in his ideals. She, using what power she could muster, threw him down to Earth, and raised a mountain around him so that he could not free himself and return. The Triad, now more immortal than their mother, their bodies turned to wreaths of colored flame without form, looked upon her as she wept. In concert, they said: “Thy seed grows potent; hence, we bid thee return our father, lest our hand be forced to desperate action.” Varraxa could not hold her gaze upon them, or risk blindness under their unnatural brightness. She answered that she could not, for it would sully her sanctity as mother of four dead sons. “We are all the more alive,” they answered, and turned her to ash which began a long and endless drift through the void beyond the Sky.

the Vazrai Enchiridion

The book of mythology upon which the Evermore Compendium is built.

The Vazrai Enchiridion is a collection of mythological stories, both large and small, that detail the world of Vazra–from the creation story, to the ending of the world. It details all the wars, divine interventions, and the rising and falling of kingdoms throughout history.

It will be released as a full book–basically a bible–at some point either before or after the release of the Evermore Compendium. 

It’s extensive, detailed, and real. For those who love fantasy, you can spend hours getting lost in this world. It’s my passion project and life’s work, and that will show clearly. 

Mythological Paintings

These are pieces commissioned by myself from an artist named Alex Stoller–a brilliant woman living in Ukraine with a serious talent. My idea was to create paintings that might be found on the walls of a church–frescos detailing scenes from Mythology.

Alex Stoller

Have a look at her portfolio on ArtStation and consider hiring her for your own projects.

The Bequeathal of Vavet

In the castle-city of Tzauraneva, the Varratu called Audi, the Silver Mist, returns after two years to present the knight Vavet to the Urrvara king. He has been altered and molded by the divine, and has become one of three demi-gods called Ainozra, trained to fight the dark forces of the corrupt angel Vorrna.

In the background, King Ainre "Onehand" Ranovarra receives the knight, who had once been his champion warrior, with awe and horror mingled. Vavet is no longer a mortal Urrvara, but a golem of light, with armor pale as snow, hair white like starlight, and eyes made endless pits of swirling glow.

Audi, the Silver Mist, then returns to the Gilded Halls of Aikakre on a shaft of sunlight, leaving Vavet, the Godkiller with the man who had once been his king.

The Books

I’m planning a series of books written with the lore of the Evermore Compendium. It will be my one and only series–encapsulating everything I love about my favorite genre. 

Book One - Lorn

Taking place during a post-apocalyptic time, when the old Gods have long since left the world in ashes, it will follow a man named Jaxa, the Hidden–a masked wanderer–as he navigates the vestiges of Vazra.