Coming to an End

The Plight of Steel – Coming to an End

The struggles and victories I faced while writing.

Now that the Plight of Steel is reaching its publishing date, I would like to write about the adventure it was writing it. First, I will tell you about some of the troubles, then move on to the good bits.

The struggles:

While writing, I faced lots of psychological troubles regarding the story, the writing itself, and the pacing, among other things. At some points, It seemed as if the words just appeared in my mind, ready to write down onto the paper (or rather, the computer screen), while other times, I felt stuck, not only with writer’s block, which I surprisingly did not have to deal with as much as I thought, but with perfectionism. I am quite a perfectionist, and if what I was writing was not up to my high standards, I would re-make it completely, deleting what I had done.

It would depend on what was happening in the story, whether it was dialogue, or action, or something else, but during some of the slower parts, I would start to grow bored, and I would begin to lose my flow. I would be unable to come up with descriptions and new words to use, and I would have to regain my composure before continuing, usually taking a break to do something else. This, of course, happens to lots of authors, and it is one of the most irritating things in my opinion.

Coming up with the story itself was sometimes challenging, as I would usually write myself into a corner and have to figure out how to get out of it. This is something that would not have happened as often if I had actually used my outline, but unfortunately, I did not. There were some other things that challenged me, but I’ll talk about the good things before this post becomes too dismal.

The Good Bits:

I don’t know how, but I somehow managed to keep every storyline, character, and kingdom in my head, remembering exactly what was happening with each. The clothing that each character wore, their personalities, their little tendencies, and their relationships with the people around them was never something that confused me, and I could keep track of all of it in my mind. This was extremely helpful, as I could write continuously without going back to review my entire outline every time.

The story came rather easily, as I had been developing and re-writing it multiple times before writing the final version, and if I ever found myself stuck, I would ask my mother, who seemed to know exactly what I should do. To be completely honest, I would happily go back and change a lot of what eventually made the final cut, but re-writing the book a third time was not an option for me, as I had to get it out at some point.

My writing style changed during the novel’s creation, going from barely passable at the beginning, to much more refined by the end. As I said, I would gladly go back and re-write the beginning chapters again, just to improve the writing itself, but I have two more books to write, and the first needs to be published.


In conclusion, I think that I grew as an author, but also as a person during the writing of this novel, and my skills have become so much better than what they would have been at this point had I not decided to create this book. Those were the troubles and victories that I faced while writing the Plight of Steel, and I hope you enjoyed learning about them. Stay tuned for the release of the novel, but also for the sequel: The Point of Chaos.

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